How Do I Integrate Angular.js With RxJS?

AngularJS is a popular MV* framework for JavaScript which covers things such as data binding, controllers as well as things such as dependency injection. The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript plays well with this framework, and in fact has a dedicated library for interop called rx.angular.js. However, if you don't wish to use that, here are some simple ways you can integrate the two together.

Integration with Scopes

The scope is an object that refers to the application model. It is an execution context for expressions. Scopes are arranged in hierarchical structure which mimic the DOM structure of the application. Scopes can watch expressions and propagate events.

Scopes provide the ability to observe change mutations on the scope through the $watch method. This is a perfect opportunity to integrate the power of the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript with Angular. Let's look at a typical usage of $watch.

// Get the scope from somewhere
var scope = $rootScope; = 'Reactive Extensions';
scope.counter = 0;

scope.$watch('name', (newValue, oldValue) => {
  scope.counter = scope.counter + 1;
  scope.oldValue = oldValue;
  scope.newValue = newValue;
}); = 'RxJS';

// Process All the Watchers

// See the counter increment
// => 1

Using the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, we're able to easily bind to this by wrapping the $watch as an observable. To do this, we'll create an observable sequence using Rx.Observable.create which gives us an observer to yield to. In this case, we'll capture both the old and new values through our listener function. The $watch function returns a function, which when called, ceases the watch expression.

Rx.Observable.$watch = (scope, watchExpression, objectEquality) => {
    return Rx.Observable.create(observer => {
        // Create function to handle old and new Value
        function listener (newValue, oldValue) {
            observer.onNext({ oldValue: oldValue, newValue: newValue });

        // Returns function which disconnects the $watch expression
        return scope.$watch(watchExpression, listener, objectEquality);

Now that we have this, we're able to now take the above example and now add some RxJS goodness to it.

// Get the scope from somewhere
var scope = $rootScope; = 'Reactive Extensions';
scope.isLoading = false; = [];

// Watch for name change and throttle it for 1 second and then query a service
Rx.Observable.$watch(scope, 'name')
    .map(e => e.newValue)
    .do(() => { 
        // Set loading and reset data
        scope.isLoading = true; = [];
    .subscribe(data => {

        // Set the data
        scope.isLoading = false; = data;

Integration with Deferred/Promise Objects

AngularJS ships a promise/deferred implementation based upon Kris Kowal's Q called the $q service. Promises are quite useful in scenarios with one and done asynchronous operations such as querying a service through the $http service.

    .then(successCallback, errCallback);

Using the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, we can also integrate using the Rx.Observable.fromPromise bridge available in RxJS version 2.2+. We simply

// Query data
var observable = Rx.Observable.fromPromise(
        method: 'GET',
        url: 'someurl',
        params: { searchString: $scope.searchString }

// Subscribe to data and update UI
    data => $ = data,
    err => $scope.error = err.message

These are just only the beginnings of what you can do with the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript and AngularJS.

Last updated