
This document describes guidelines that aid in developing applications and libraries that use the Reactive Extensions for RxJS library.

The guidelines listed in this document have evolved over time by the Rx team during the development of the RxJS library.

As RxJS continues to evolve, these guidelines will continue to evolve with it. Make sure you have the latest version of this document.

All information described in this document is merely a set of guidelines to aid development. These guidelines do not constitute an absolute truth. They are patterns that the team found helpful; not rules that should be followed blindly. There are situations where certain guidelines do not apply. The team has tried to list known situations where this is the case. It is up to each individual developer to decide if a certain guideline makes sense in each specific situation.

The guidelines in this document are listed in no particular order. There is neither total nor partial ordering in these guidelines.

Please contact us through the RxJS Issues for feedback on the guidelines, as well as questions on whether certain guidelines are applicable in specific situations.

Last updated