
The default comparer to determine whether one object is greater, less than or equal to another.


  1. x (Any): The first value to compare

  2. y (Any): The second value to compare


(Number): Returns 1 if x is greater than y, -1 if y is greater than x, and 0 if the objects are equal.


var comparer = Rx.helpers.defaultSubcomparer;

// Should return 0
var x = 42, y = 42
console.log(comparer(x, y));
// => 0

// Should return -1
var x = new Date(0), y = new Date();
console.log(comparer(x, y));
// => -1

// Should return 1
var x = 43, y = 42;
console.log(comparer(x, y));
// => 1

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